The Importance of Regular Dental Hygiene Sessions in Orpington

In our bustling town of Orpington, dental hygiene is a topic that we firmly believe demands more attention. At Orpington Dental, we believe regular dental hygiene sessions are a necessity rather than a luxury. They are the foundation of good oral health, keeping your smile radiant and your mouth disease-free. A significant part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves caring for your teeth and gums. Regular dental hygiene appointments ensure your teeth are sparkling clean and play a critical role in detecting any potential issues early. Dental problems, when caught early, are easier and less costly to treat. As the saying goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. Embrace dental hygiene Orpington residents, and you’ll undoubtedly experience the benefits of a healthier, brighter smile.

Why Dental Hygiene Matters


You might be wondering, why dental hygiene matters so much. Well, the answer lies in the direct link between your oral health and your overall well-being. Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and even more severe health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. It’s not just about having a great smile; it’s about keeping your entire body healthy. At Orpington Dental, we strive to educate our patients about the importance of good dental hygiene. Remember, your mouth is the gateway to your body, so it’s essential to keep it clean and healthy. Choose dental hygiene Orpington, for a comprehensive approach to your health.

What to Expect During Your Visit

When you visit us at Orpington Dental, we ensure a comforting and friendly environment. Our dental hygiene sessions start with a thorough assessment of your mouth, followed by a professional cleaning process. This process also called scaling and polishing, removes the plaque and tartar build-up that regular brushing and flossing can miss. We also examine for any signs of gum disease or tooth decay. Our aim is not just to treat, but also to educate. We provide advice on effective brushing and flossing techniques, diet, and other aspects of oral care at home. Rest assured, we strive to make your dental hygiene sessions as informative and beneficial as possible.

Benefits of Regular Dental Hygiene Sessions

The benefits of regular dental hygiene sessions are numerous. Most notably, these sessions significantly reduce the risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay, the prime culprits of tooth loss. They can also help in the early detection of oral cancer, which is highly treatable when caught early. Regular cleanings also eliminate bad breath, a common result of food particles stuck in hard-to-reach areas. Moreover, a clean, white smile boosts your confidence and leaves a positive impression. The link between oral health and overall health is undeniable, making dental hygiene sessions critical to your well-being. At Orpington Dental, we are committed to providing comprehensive and effective dental hygiene services. For a healthier, brighter smile, make dental hygiene a priority.

Why Choose Orpington Dental for Your Dental Hygiene Needs?

Choosing Orpington Dental for your dental hygiene needs is choosing quality and commitment. We provide a personalised, patient-focused approach, ensuring each session addresses your unique needs. Our dedicated team of professionals is highly trained and experienced in delivering top-notch dental hygiene services. We invest in the latest technology to offer the best care possible. Our comfortable, friendly environment puts even the most nervous patient at ease. As advocates of preventive dentistry, we emphasise the importance of regular dental hygiene sessions in maintaining a healthy smile. Stick with us, and you’ll see that dental hygiene Orpington is not a chore, but a rewarding routine.

The Essential Role of Dental Hygiene at Orpington Dental

At Orpington Dental, we pride ourselves on our commitment to exceptional dental hygiene. It forms the bedrock of our practice and is integral to our mission of providing premium dental care to our community in Orpington. We understand that effective dental hygiene is not just about a dazzling smile—it’s about safeguarding your overall oral health. Our dedicated team of professionals employ state-of-the-art techniques to ensure you maintain optimal dental hygiene. Whether it’s routine check-ups, cleanings, or personalised hygiene advice, we’re dedicated to making sure your teeth and gums are in top-notch condition. Dental hygiene Orpington goes above and beyond, prioritising your oral health every step of the way. At Orpington Dental, we’re not just passionate about teeth; we’re passionate about your wellbeing.

Understanding the Importance of Dental Hygiene

The importance of dental hygiene cannot be overstated. It’s the cornerstone of oral health, playing a crucial role in preventing dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. When we neglect our oral hygiene, it can lead to serious health complications beyond the mouth, including heart disease and diabetes. At Orpington Dental, we’re dedicated to promoting a holistic approach to dental health, where dental hygiene is at the forefront. We educate our patients about the importance of regular brushing and flossing, balanced diet, and routine dental check-ups. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to take charge of your dental health. After all, good dental hygiene is a lifetime commitment, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Dental Hygiene in Orpington

At Orpington Dental, our approach to dental hygiene is comprehensive and personalised. We understand that everyone’s oral health needs are unique, and we tailor our treatments accordingly. Our highly qualified team carries out thorough check-ups, identifying any potential issues before they become problematic. We offer professional cleaning services, removing any plaque or tartar buildup and leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean. We also provide bespoke advice on maintaining optimum dental hygiene at home—ensuring you have the knowledge to keep your teeth and gums healthy between visits. Trust in our dental hygiene Orpington services to offer a complete, proactive solution to your oral health needs.

Preventing Oral Diseases through Proactive Dental Care

Preventing oral diseases is at the heart of what we do at Orpington Dental. Our proactive approach to dental care ensures we catch potential problems early, before they have a chance to cause serious damage. We believe that prevention is better than cure, and our treatments are designed with this in mind. From thorough examinations to offering advice on daily dental routines, we strive to prevent the onset of oral diseases. Our team of experts will provide you with a personalised dental hygiene routine, tailored to your specific needs. We work closely with our patients, offering guidance and support to ensure their oral health is as good as it can be. Trust in our proactive dental care to keep your teeth and gums healthy and disease-free.

Experience Exceptional Dental Hygiene Care at Orpington Dental

When you choose Orpington Dental, you’re choosing exceptional dental hygiene care, tailored to your specific needs. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering the highest standards of service in a friendly and welcoming environment. We utilise the latest techniques and technologies to provide effective treatments and ensure optimal oral health. We pride ourselves on our personalised approach, taking the time to understand your unique dental hygiene needs and goals. From routine check-ups to specialist advice, we’re here to ensure your dental hygiene is the best it can be. Experience exceptional care with our dental hygiene Orpington services and start your journey towards a healthier, more confident smile today.

How dental hygiene saves teeth

In the same way that more lives have been saved by plumbers than doctors, dental hygiene Orpington has saved more teeth than our dentist. Let’s find out how!

You’re probably aware of the daily routines of oral hygiene, but why are they important? What do they actually do? How does oral hygiene relate to oral health and decay?

Mouth biome

The human mouth is a surprisingly busy multi-ecosystem biome; for the bacteria that live inside your mouth, it is their whole world. To them, the tongue surface is a jungle of taste buds beneath a layer of salivary mucus. The edge of an incisor is a windswept cliff, and the crevices between each tooth are sheltered sanctuaries for proliferation and prosperity.


The decaying process starts when anaerobically respiring bacteria find a safe haven next to the enamel, and as they digest sugars, they release lactic acid as a waste product. In isolated areas with a limited flow of saliva, lactic acid can build up. When the acid reaches critical concentrations, it chemically affects the crystallised calcium that makes up the outer surface of the tooth, reducing it to a soluble compound that can be washed away by the saliva. This creates a dent in the surface of the tooth, giving better shelter to the bacteria. As this process repeats itself, the colonies that form over multiple generations bore deeper into the tooth.

Gum disease

Gum disease occurs as bacteria begin to enter the gum tissue itself. The outer skin of the gum is very porous, and when bacteria begin to grow in the gum tissue, the immune response is triggered, which calls white blood cells into the area to manage the infection. Once inflamed, the tissue will have a greater blood flow making it darker, and because of the porous nature of the gums, minor bleeding can occur.

If the infection is not cleared up with proper dental hygiene Orpington, the constant inflammation and continuous duel between multiplying bacteria and white blood cells will cause tissue damage, making the gum sore and spongy as the connective proteins between the cells are broken down. This can cause the entire gum to recede, eventually exposing the teeth roots and leaving them without the necessary support required. The teeth may then become loose and eventually fall out, even if the roots themselves do not experience decay.

Cleaning in the clinic

Not all dental hygiene Orpington can be performed at home. Once tartar has built up, the calcified and hardened plaque cannot be removed at home. This is where a scale-and-polish comes in, being the primary tool of our hygienist; beyond their general guidance and education, a scale-and-polish is their primary weapon in saving teeth. Tartar acts as a stronghold for bacteria in the mouth. Its rough texture and many crevices allow bacteria to grow, safe from brushing and mouthwashes. Once the tartar is removed, the teeth are far harder to attack as there is simply no perch for bacteria to establish themselves on.

Invest in your dental hygiene with a professional clean

Are you looking to improve your oral health and invest in your dental hygiene Orpington? Here at Orpington Dental, we welcome new and existing patients to our practice and look forward to assisting you with all your oral healthcare needs.

We have a dental hygiene Orpington practitioner who will be able to assist with removing any plaque build-up present on your teeth through a professional clean. This process is commonly referred to as scaling and polishing in dental terms and plays a vital role in maintaining good levels of oral health.

Did you know that dental hygiene Orpington also forms part of treating gum disease and even bad breath? If you or a loved one has a bridge or even a form of orthodontics that requires specific hygiene methods our dental hygienist will be able to assist.

Regular check-ups and screenings will help lower your risk of gum disease

We encourage patients to understand the importance of dental hygiene as it can help to prevent the occurrence of gingivitis and signs of other well-known periodontal diseases and infections. These conditions may present themselves in the form of bad breath or even cause loss of teeth if left untreated. Visible teeth staining may also point to signs of an infection.

The good news is that thanks to regular check-ups and routine cleaning you can dramatically reduce the risk of infection so you can maintain good levels of oral health.

What is the role of a dental hygienist and what can they do to help my teeth and gums?

For those patients who would like to find out more about the role of a dental hygienist and the key role they play in dentistry overall, it involves preventive work. A dental hygienist will set out to determine whether there are any signs of infection regardless of how small or noticeable they are, so that the infection can be treated and banished as soon as possible. It’s an efficient way to prevent minor infections from developing into something more sinister with the risk of introducing pain and discomfort.

Our dental hygienist will simply assess your teeth and gums and evaluate the overall condition of your mouth to diagnose any possible dental issues. They are also able to assist with providing a professional clean to help remove any stubborn plaque or tartar on your teeth.

Protect your teeth and gums with the help of a dental hygienist

We encourage patients never to ignore any signs of infection or disease, as leaving the condition to worsen may result in further discomfort and pain as well as the risk of having long-term damage.

Did you know a dental hygienist is also able to offer advice and treatment for smoking cessation? Patients that smoke may experience bad breath, stained teeth, shrinking gums and even mouth sores as a result of the effects of the tobacco. Smoking may negatively impact the overall health and wellbeing of your gums and teeth. As a dental professional, our friendly practitioner is able to assist by offering you information and support on how to successfully lower your use of tobacco products.

Going the extra mile and focussing on your dental hygiene Orpington

The twice daily regime

From being a toddler through to being an adult in later years, the oral hygiene routine should continue to take place. Whilst our parents and guardians introduce us to the task, as time develops and we mature, our oral hygiene process becomes a solo responsibility. Although this is a natural development within our lives, are you certain that your oral hygiene regime is on top form? Or has it declined over the years as the daily chore goes on and on?

As life gets busier or our minds wander, the minimum three minute clean with a manual toothbrush may become two or one minute, with a quick rinse of mouthwash. The plaque surrounding the teeth and gums is not shifted away as effectively as it once was and tooth decay along with gingivitis can soon set in. Although at first a little yellowing around the teeth or a little blood within the spit may seem inconsequential, over time the damage can become more severe and lead to oral health problems such as tooth loss.

Luckily, our dental team has your best interests at heart and your dental hygiene Orpington is never far from our minds. Regular check-up appointments with our dentist are one thing but how about a regular check on your dental hygiene Orpington?

Avoiding the odour to your breath

One of the more common and noticeable signs of a declining dental hygiene Orpington regime is the odour which can begin to present itself. Whether it be from years of bad habits such as smoking and drinking, a single meal filled with too much garlic or onion, or the result of a quick brush on a daily basis rather than a full clean. Having bad breath can begin to impact your life quite significantly and is easily avoided with a good oral hygiene process in place.

Putting your dental education into action

When visiting our dental hygienist, which in most cases will have been recommended or referred by our dentist, you will be putting your oral health into safe hands. Not only will time be spent cleaning and removing the build-up of plaque around the teeth, but an education will begin to ensure that you are giving your oral health the best care possible.

So, what is meant by a dental education?

Whilst we do not want every patient to gain a degree in how to keep their oral hygiene at the highest level, understanding the effectiveness of certain brushing techniques, what products to use or not use and which toothbrushes are most effective will be covered. As sonic and electronic toothbrushes come into play it helps our dental hygienist to teach you about when too much pressure is applied to the teeth, or how circular motions are more beneficial than left to right scrubbing. Whilst it all may seem a little mundane, the teeth, mouth and gums which go through a rigorous process everyday will reap the benefits and your oral health will continue to be maintained to the highest level.

How much do you know about Dental Hygiene Orpington?

In order to ensure you have healthy teeth and gums, along with visiting a dentist, it is also important to see a dental hygienist in order to ensure your teeth remain healthy and free from bacteria and possible periodontal diseases. At Orpington Dental, we understand the importance of dental hygiene which is why we have a dental hygienist at our practice available for all our patients. So if you would like to know more about Dental Hygiene Orpington, it’s time to visit us at Orpington Dental.


About us at Orpington Dental

Led by our principal dentist Helen Loubster, Orpington Dental has been providing patients dental treatments within preventative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and treatment for missing teeth for over 20 years. Alongside this, our dentists also provide routine dental treatments to ensure that our patients always have a great experience at our practice.

Visiting Orpington Dental as a new patient

If you have not visited us before at Orpington Dental, not to worry because at our practice we will firstly schedule you in to have a first appointment with us. The purpose of this appointment is to find out as much information about you as possible, including your medical and dental history and also to conduct an examination of your teeth, gums and mouth. This appointment will also give you the chance to raise any dental concerns you may have, and you can rest assured that one of our experienced dentists will be able to provide you with the answers you need.

Whilst performing an oral health check, our dentist may find it necessary to take radiographs in order to help them should they need to diagnose something along with checking for oral cancer. This is important as oral cancer is dangerous and can be life threatening if not detected early and treated as soon as possible. In some cases, oral cancer does not cause any noticeable symptoms which is why we deem it necessary to screen for this at the first appointment.

Our dentist will also use this time to speak with you regarding your dental health, and will also provide advice on how to maintain healthy teeth and good overall health. You will be asked about your diet and any habits you may have which may negatively impact your oral health. This leads on to the subject of dental hygiene, and if necessary, our dentist will recommend that you visit our dental hygienist.

Dental Hygiene Orpington

If you book an appointment at our practice to see our dental hygienist, you can expect your teeth to be professionally cleaned by our hygienist using special dental equipment and pastes. Hygienists play an important role in dentistry as they specialise in ensuring that a patient’s mouth remains both clean and healthy. Known as a scale and polish, the aim of this thorough clean is to remove plaque especially from places which are harder to reach through brushing your teeth alone. If plaque is not removed soon enough and continues to build up, it can result in gum disease which if not treated can lead to dental issues such as tooth loss. Our hygienist will also be able to provide you with valuable advice including brushing techniques and the best brushes to use to ensure that you maintain a good oral hygiene routine.

The importance of dental hygiene

The oral microbiome

Our oral cavity is home to a variety of naturally occurring microorganisms, which make up our microbiome. Many surfaces in our body have microorganisms living on them, some of which have been proven to play key roles in our health, most notably the gut microbiome. Certain bacterial species in the gut microbiome play a very important role in our metabolism, such as the production of vitamins and other essential metabolic by-products. The oral microbiome is the second most diverse microbiome after the gut microbiota, containing more than 700 different microbial species. Some of these species feed on the sugar residues left in our mouths after a meal. While doing so, they secrete organic acids as waste products. These compounds can harm the dentine and the enamel by slowly dissolving its mineral content. The bacteria are also capable of forming plaque, which can later calcify into calculus if left without treatment. Large amounts of acid production can lead to tooth decay and a variety of other conditions; therefore, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene. If you know you require an improvement in your dental hygiene Orpington, get in touch with us and book an appointment.


The consequences of poor oral hygiene

As diets across the western world often contain large amounts of sugar, our oral cavity is often full of sugar remnants for acid producing microorganisms to consume and convert into energy and metabolites, including the acids that can damage the teeth. Microbial overgrowth coupled with poor oral hygiene can cause tooth decay and cavity formation by reacting with the calcium phosphate found in our teeth. If tooth decay is left untreated, it can even lead to the formation of dental abscesses, or if the bacteria infect the pulp tissue, tooth loss can also occur. Bacterial overgrowth can also trigger inflammatory responses in the gum tissue. If this becomes chronic inflammation and periodontitis, it can even permanently damage the gum tissue, which can also lead to tooth loss. Other unpleasant consequences associated with poor oral hygiene include bad breath, plaque and calculus formation, as well as increasing yellow discolouration of the teeth. And it can even increase the risk of some oral cancers. If you would like to get any treatments associated with dental hygiene Orpington to aid your dental health, book an appointment with us today!

How does the dental hygiene treatment work?

Our oral hygiene treatments are performed by professionals specialised in dental hygiene. As it was mentioned above, oral bacteria can contribute to the formation of dental plaque, which if left untreated, can calcify into calculus, which is harder to remove. The treatment therefore has two primary aims. One of them is to clean the plaque that has already formed on your teeth, which most often occurs in specific areas that are quite difficult to access with a toothbrush, such as the areas between the teeth. The other aim of the treatment is to provide you with useful advice on how to prevent the formation of plaque in the future with tooth floss and by improving your tooth brushing method if it is deemed necessary. If you would like to improve your dental hygiene Orpington, contact us for further information and an appointment.

Are you worried about your dental hygiene?

Lots of people will put off going to see their dental practitioner for a check-up because it is time consuming or inconvenient, too expensive or too nerve-racking. When you put off attending your check-ups you are neglecting your teeth and risk losing them to decay and gum disease.


If you are worrying about your dental hygiene in Orpington then book an appointment to see one of our dental professionals. They will be able to fully assess the condition of your teeth and inform you if you require a scale and polish or if you need to be wary of gingivitis. At Orpington Dental we want you to leave our clinic with a healthy, fresh feeling mouth and strong teeth.

What is a scale and polish?

If you want to improve your dental hygiene in Orpington then having your hygienist carry out a scale and polish is a good place to start. Sometimes plaque can build up in certain areas of your mouth that are hard to reach when you are brushing, and this plaque can harden. Once the plaque has hardened it can thrive off the bacteria that is naturally found in your mouth, and this can lead to things such as gingivitis if it is left untreated.

Your hygienist will use special tools to remove this plaque to make sure that the enamel of your teeth remains undamaged. They will also clean the rest of your mouth, ensuring that there is no plaque build-up within the pockets of your gums, as this can cause the tissue that holds your teeth in place to become weaker over time. This is what damages your gums and prevents them from being able to hold your teeth in place.

Are there any symptoms of bad oral health?

Things such as gingivitis and gum disease do not always come with symptoms. They may be present for months before you eventually notice or until your dental practitioner informs you that you need to improve your dental hygiene in Orpington. Visiting your dental practice regularly will allow your dentist to spot any underlying problems that you have, but there are a few other telltale symptoms that you can look out for too.

If you have red or swollen gums then this is a common sign that something is wrong. Your gums should be a pale pink in colour, and they should not bleed when you brush your teeth either. Bleeding gums when you brush your teeth is a sign of gingivitis and gum disease, and it is recommended that you book an appointment with your practitioner as soon as possible to find out what is going on in your mouth.

Bad breath is another symptom of bad oral health, especially when it does not go away after brushing your teeth and using mouthwash. Having a furry tongue, receding gums or sensitive gums and teeth can all be signs of deteriorating oral hygiene too. In some cases your teeth can even start to become wobbly, as your gums become weaker and no longer hold your teeth as firmly in their places. 

What do dental hygienists do? Dental hygiene services in Orpington

In the field of preventative dentistry, there are many professionals that the average patient can identify. General dentists for check-ups, orthodontists for braces, dental nurses for preparation work and a soothing presence when you are in the dental chair if you are nervous.

Dental Hygiene in OrpingtonHowever, few of our customers at Orpington Dental realise that dental hygienists frequently work alongside dentists and other professionals to keep your teeth in their top condition and that hygienists also play an important role in maintaining your overall oral health and dental hygiene in Orpington.

The importance of a dental hygienist

Dental hygiene in Orpington is far more than simple brushing of your teeth.

At our dental office in Orpington, our hygienist and dentist frequently work together to meet the needs of each customer and provide a targeted and personalised approach to improve every patient’s oral health.

Hygienists can also offer advice to individual patients and other dental professionals on care plans relating to braces or implants.

What do dental hygienists do?

Dental hygiene in Orpington acts as both a preventative and cosmetic treatment, so dental hygienists perform oral maintenance tasks such as removal of plaque, allowing the other members of the dental team to focus on tasks such as fillings, crowns etc.

However, there are many other important tasks that they are qualified to perform.

Scaling and polishing- This involves an ultrasound vibration that loosens plaque and areas of tartar. Once these have been loosened, a cooling mist washes away the debris and then your teeth will be polished by air abrasion. This prevents gum disease, tooth decay and leaves you with an improved overall dental appearance.

Topical fluoride application- an interesting preventative method, topical fluoride gels are used in both adults and children to prevent cavities. If your hygienist identifies the start of a cavity in your mouth, an application of a topical gel can seal the area and prevent decay. These can also be used across multiple teeth if an individual is at a higher risk of getting cavities, such as people with diabetes.

Periodontal therapy– we have already mentioned the common type of periodontal therapy in a scale and polish, but there are other techniques that a hygienist can perform to minimise or reverse gum diseases.

If you have lost gum tissue, it is important to ensure that the root of your tooth is protected, and a gum graft is a popular way to achieve this. Your hygienist will remove an area of healthy gum from another area in your mouth and relocate it to where it is needed. When there is loss of gum tissue throughout your mouth, laboratory processed gum tissue will be used instead.

This list highlights just a few of the procedures that our team of dental hygienists at Orpington Dental Surgery can perform. We aim to make sure that when undergoing any treatment, you are comfortable and treated professionally.

Interested in some hygienist treatment? Call us today for a consultation.

What Are The Basics Of Dental Hygiene?

We here at Orpington Dental Care know that taking care of your oral health is an important factor in maintaining good health. Our mouths are often a window to our health as a whole, making it crucial to maintain good hygiene and have regular visits to the dentist.

Dental Hygiene in OrpingtonStudies are increasingly beginning to connect diseases, such as diabetes, to dental disease. Due to this, it’s important that the dental care you partake in at home is to a high standard and becomes a part of your daily routine. We care about dental hygiene in Orpington, so we have compiled  some tips to help you keep your mouth as healthy as possible.

Brush your teeth twice a day

Brushing your teeth is the most basic, and essential, thing you can do to maintain a healthy mouth. Our mouths go through a lot, so it’s vital that we brush our teeth twice a day (in the morning and before bed) to keep our mouths clean and to fight against plaque. When brushing your teeth, be sure to focus on the gum line as this is where plaque tends to accumulate. Using a fluoride toothpaste can also assist in strengthening the surface of the tooth to protect it from decay.

Floss regularly

Flossing is less spoken about than brushing your teeth, and toothbrush adverts will often claim to clean in between your teeth too, but flossing is the best way to combat plaque building up in those hard to reach places. Flossing can help prevent bad breath and gum disease.

Snack to a minimum

You should be aiming to only eat three meals a day with minimal snacking in between. Snacking will  lead to a build up of plaque in your mouth which can lead to tooth decay. Teeth need to have a period of recovery between attacks from the acid in our food.

Quit smoking

Providing dental hygiene in Orpington is one of our missions here at Orpington Dental Care and we are advocates for quitting smoking. By quitting smoking you can maintain your oral health and the health of your entire body. Research has linked smoking to being a cause of gum disease and toxins in tobacco smoke can make tartar more aggressive against our teeth. Quitting smoking can help to prevent serious oral diseases.

Have regular visits to the dentist and hygienist

By visiting your dentist you can have a check-up of your teeth and any teeth in need of fillings can be identified, as well as any risks being monitored. Your hygienist will be able to give your teeth a deeper clean and offer advice on the tools that are best suited to you, ensuring your home care is the best it can be.

Oral hygiene is an important part of everyone’s lives and we will be happy to lend a helping hand whenever you need. If you have any questions, or would like to book an appointment, then please do get in contact with us today.